Phew, we got through 2024. It was anticipated to be a wild one. But oh boy, how it exceeded my expectations, at least, for my own experiences! To be fair, I asked for it. Blame that on my appetite for new boundaries. To fulfil far-fetched ambitions, challenging tasks were compulsory. There was stuff to wrap up and get prepared. One mission led to another and I ended up on four continents in a year, two I hadn’t been to.
DC Calling
While my condo issue was still a mess, there was a calling inside to return to Washington DC during the US election. It seemed crazy to face that again like in 2016 and 2020. The office did not require me to. But weighing in potential paybacks, I welcomed the challenges and got on with it.
Some upgrades were a logical mission: both work and personal laptops. I slowly reconciled with the data loss in 2022-2023 and would like to restructure workflows, catching up with current techs. Also, it was good to reconnect with colleagues…in person. Nonetheless, it was clear office life in a cubicle wasn’t for me anymore.
And I was curious how the city, specifically, Mount Pleasant and around, has moved on since I painfully left at the end of 2020. Catching up with Aminyah, the landlady, was a huge part of it. It felt good to be welcomed back to the community. Especially, I was distanced from Phra Khanong in Bangkok the prior year.
Besides, the Great North American Eclipse was irresistible. So, I planned the trips around the celestial event to experience the phenomena and got that bucket list checked. A deeper reason was astrology. That eclipse (amongst others in the past few years) directly connected to my natal chart. So I set my intention to get the full flavour.
Exerting Grit
Of course, the year wasn’t an easy cruise for anyone. Throughout, I exerted grit to keep going. Setbacks and delays could turn into revaluations and new opportunities.
A new work laptop wasn’t ready within 90 days of visa requirement. No drama but I needed a visa run, like the old days as a migrant bird in 2016-2019. Bogotá, Colombia was the best option as I hadn’t been to South America before. So I spent a chill summer at 2,500 meters above sea level and got exposed more to Latin American cultures. Ultimately, that led me to another big life event—the first ayahuasca ceremony. That still has effects on me these days.
The new laptop was sent to the local office in Bogotá for me to pick it up. Next, I sorted a personal one and restructured data management in the autumn, back in DC. I also wanted to be there for my manager’s retirement. My gratitude extended back to my recruitment to the organisation in 2011.
The depressing downturn was the result of the US election, of course. Disappointments could also turn into mental resilience. As part of the mindset developed in the ayahuasca integration, I learned to give less a fuck with it: sifting out unwanted cerebral residues, knowing that not everything was in our control, and prioritising pace and rest. You can’t get there without a proper engine physically and mentally. It wasn’t an overnight process though.

Preps for Big Shifts
Frankly, when leaving DC for Casablanca on Thanksgiving, I was emotionally and intellectually exhausted. Daily calls to prayer and the Atlantic tremendously helped me unwind and reflect on the year’s journey. I’d say that DC calling was worthwhile: upgraded stuff, checked some bucket lists, reconnected with old friends and colleagues, and met new ones. Most of all, I got to practice resilience throughout the year. Looking at the current right now, we could use more adaptability. Possibly, that’s why I challenge myself in different environments, especially, in the Global South.
Those were just preps! Even though I have tasted new territories in 2024: South America and North Africa, new boundaries are still to be reached and more barriers to be broken. But ultimately, I am grateful for the journey to every being that crossed paths during the years. Big shifts are ahead, I feel. 2025 will be another long one. And we will go through it together.