In a new city, one of my priorities was to explore local pubs and drinks. Bogotá was no different. Of course, there was no shortage of that! Moreover, the country’s cannabis legality was another luxury. But the ayahuasca ceremonies marked a change in my drinking habits—less of it—that should be articulated. Nonetheless, my first time getting wasted in South America was luscious. Let’s start with that and go through the shift.
Indulging Local Vibes
On the first evening, I tried a small pub across the street from the apartment called Olimpo. Conveniently, they spoke English and got me hooked. On top of that, the 2024 Copa América was kicked off and Colombia cruised through the final. So, I got to join the patriotic fans at the pub. The football craze was bigger than its Independence Day. “We don’t celebrate the Day like the Americans. Maybe they do in schools.” I paraphrased the publican.

Group Stage, Colombia VS Paraguay

Final, Argentina VS Colombia

Group Stage, Colombia VS Costa Rica (post-match)

Group Stage, Brazil VS Colombia

Semi-final, Uruguay VS Colombia

On grogs, I learned that aguardiente was the local favourite. Its anise flavour reminded me of rakı in Türkiye. Beer options were OK from generic lagers to independent breweries. But Colombian rum, both dark and white, matched my taste and became my choice of drink. Some shots after a couple of cocktails in a gay bar were my pleasurable sin.

The gay scene could be pretty wild too, especially at Theatron, the largest gay nightclub in Latin America. It had been a while since I had a gay night out until dawn. I’d love to revisit it and explore more of local drinking cultures. But there wasn’t a right time for them after returning from Medellín.
Curbing Internal Indulgence
After the first ayahuasca sessions with a break from alcohol and cannabis, my craving wasn’t as strong as anticipated. There were some mind shifts over them. Other circumstances also curbed me from indulgence and led me to some self-control.
I didn’t check in at Olimpo during the alcohol break. As I returned to Bogotá and planned to journal there (as I did on the first evening), the business was shut down. By the time, a new pub replaced it, I was leaving the city. There were other pubs where I could hang out regularly. I went back to some but got less attached.

Besides, I got sick back-to-back later on from diarrhoea and sore throat. Both were related to weed. The last homemade cannabutter wasn’t dried properly and got mouldy. I thought I could get away with it but no! Then I vaped for the first time in months. That triggered a sore throat and dragged me down under the weather. Again, by the time of recovery, I was leaving.
Ultimate, the mental mechanism explored in the ceremonies made the shift. Back in DC, this mindset is still carried on. I still drink but have no strong urge and hardly go out these days. It gets easier to moderate it. Hence, there has been no autopilot incident (that I can recall) or mischief like this one in Tbilisi since. Mind you, I didn’t expect this effect from ayahuasca (didn’t ask for it either). But I take it.
Next, burning them out!
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