While in the city during the pride month, I may just check out Barcelona Pride for the old time’s sake, taking photos of the LGBTQ+ communities. On the surface, it looks the same as Sydney Mardi Gras or Capital Pride in DC. But of course, the context of the time and location make it different.
This year’s theme is “Lesbian Visibility”, indicating how far we have come that the focus is on a specific group. Inclusion is still the pinnacle whereas many parts of the world are still seeking equality. The quest is not yet over.

I get to the venue early for the pre-party composure. But you cannot avoid the strong Catalonia summer heat. However, it is good timing when the parade is marching in and I am in an excellent spot for photos. Moreover, there are no barriers between the march and the spectators. It’s good to roam along the parade without accreditation.

The parade also brings the crowd. And streets are filled with parties. Since I stayed up until dawn for two nights in Sónar on the previous weekend and got enough images for the day, it’s sensible not to join the evening. Besides, there is stuff to do, especially moving on.
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