Month four since the lockdown, we are I am hanging in there. Even though July was not as intense as June, the overall COVID-19 outbreak in the US was not getting better. However, the number in DC was not alarmingly spiked. And I still kept going with this PPE collection.
4 July
Six masks and ten gloves on the Independence Day7 July
Ten masks emerging from a long weekend10 July
Four gloves further away11 July
Six gloves and three masks from blue to white31 July—at the end of July
One of five gloves31 July—at the end of July
One of four masks31 July—at the end of July
Two of four masks31 July—at the end of July
Two of five gloves31 July—at the end of July
Three of four masks31 July—at the end of July
Four of four masks31 July—at the end of July
Three of five gloves31 July—at the end of July
Four of five gloves31 July—at the end of July
Five of five gloves
I ran in the neighbourhoods less since the gym re-opened. Therefore, the range where they were photographed was smaller than in previous months. Hmm…I should not quantify this project, shouldn’t I?
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