When I was looking for a place to stay in Toronto, it was not expected that it would be close to Kensington Market. So I took some time to explore it with the same approach as the photo collage of shops in Phra Khanong. It was not disappointing.
Since the neighbourhood overlapped with the city’s Chinatown, there were many Chinese signs along with English. They were also in Vietnamese, Lao, Spanish, and Portuguese. The designs displayed diversity with styles and eras as well.

Unlike shops in Phra Khanong, which I had gone long regularly and known what to look for, Kensington Market was an unfamiliar boundary. Focussing on the shop signs in the neighbourhood allowed me to delve into its multiculturalism with the time I had.
To be honest, I had no expectation on Toronto. The main reason for the visit was to leave the US after 90 days in the country. And I wanted to experience the legal weeds culture in Canada. But the Kensington Market and surrounding areas certainly offered me an extra nice touch of the city.
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