Monthly Archives: April 2008
12 & 18 March 2008, Leaving the Therapy
Harrington Street, Enmore
12 March 2008
18 March 2008
10 March 2008, Bus Waiting
Stanmore Road, Enmore
7 – 17 March 2008, Cycling away
Alma Avenue, Enmore
7 March 2008
9 March 2008
10 March 2008
11 March 2008
13 March 2008
14 March 2008
16 March 2008
17 March 2008
Something does not make sense. The clock is gone and back. Someone must have taken it and realised it was broken then put it back.
13 March 2008, Rabbit Holes
Circular Quay, the Rocks
I know, it is a bit too late for Easter.
The Departure
After Stilgherrian and I celebrated the King’s 80th Birthday, the journey in Thailand came to the end and we were set to leave the Kingdom on the next day. For the first time I could explore Thailand’s new gateway, Suvarnabhumi Airport, in daylight. We made the most of the afternoon with imported drinks while I took snap shots in the terminal.
Bangkok departure was more overwhelmed than I expected when I was sending text message to friends and family. Sunset as we are approaching the plan. It turned out that we were the last ones on board. No matter how long we set to get away, it would never be enough. Good-bye my homeland.
5 March 2008, Overdrawn
Tupper Street, Enmore
Watch Your Step

This is the last music slideshow about commuting in Bangkok and the second last of Thailand trip series. I already have done on the Express Way, a tuk-tuk, walking around the neighbour and a boat service along Chao Phraya River.
One day, for the first time in the trip, while Stilgherrian and I were walking on Sukhumvit Road, I realised that the camera bag was left in the hotel and did not bother to fetch it. That meant there would be no decent tool for the day. On the other hand, I still had the camera phone with me and made the most of the limitation.
Watch Your Step from ApostrophePong on Vimeo.
I believe every big city in the world has an uneven and cracked footpath. The urban environment is like any other living thing that changes all the time. A street that has perfect footpaths could be read that it is brand new or no one lives there. I am interested in the traces of human behaviours left on the surfaces of the pathways they walk on every day.
This Watch Your Step music slideshow features music Step by Stylish Nonsense.