I am not surprising myself that for six year living in Sydney Australia Day has never been anything but another public holiday. However, since my Australian citizenship application has been approved late last year and I will take an oath to be become an Aussie sooner or later, I decide to explore the celebration of the country’s national day which I trouble with.

National day is normally set on the birth of the modern nation: a revolution or an independence from the colony. In Thailand, it was designated on 10 December when the first official Thai constitution was, in theory, handed to the people but later on it was moved to the King’s Birthday. In general, it is a significant event in the history that reminds the people and draws them together to value the pride of the nation.
On the other hand, Australia Day is on 26 January, the day British first fleet of convicts arrived. What is to be proud of? It neglects the fact that there were indigenous tribes living here thousands years ago and the settlement has never been reconciled with them. I have not seen any message of this history in any publicity piece of the day at all. It seems to be suppressed everywhere. Therefore the core content of the day is very shallow. What to feed the punter are just public live show, fireworks and getting drunk, not any difference from New Year Eve, Melbourne Cup or even Mardi Gras.

Maybe I am just being too serious. Stilgherrian has a much better way to celebrate the day.
I agree. As we were driving through gosford, I thought, I need an aboriginal flag to fly from my car…
but there are others:
"SORRY" by amberwaves [?]
link did not work, try this one:
yes lets celebrate invasion…i mean…”australia” day.
True blue, to me, is many things..
Although we celebrate on the day of the first fleets arrival.. I think you would find most australians don’t have this in mind when they set out to celebrate the day in thier own “true blue” fashion. Your choice of photos does not suprise me nor does your lack of initiative to speak to the very people you are using to depict your interpretation of what you think australia day means to others. Where’s the photos of people of all age and race enjoying each others company like the best of friends?. Where’s the photos of the 100 + people crowding around a game of street cricket just to be involved?
So many positive images to be found on australia day at the rocks but I guess you will only ever find what you are looking for won’t you!
To me, our national day is about celebrating the way of life we are all so lucky to have. A not so serious, come one come all, anything goes way of life. As long as its all in good fun then what is the harm? A BBQ with neighbours, a day at the beach with friends and family or even a day in at the rocks, socialising in a positive fashion with everyone you meet! (unless of coures you meet some pretentious photogropher just looking for a story)
Please, lighten up this Australia Day and celebrate in a fashion that your way of life allows you to do so and, without judgement, let others do the same!
Happy Australia Day!
I must disagree that most people do have in mind what they day they put on but some choose to ignore and celebrate on it. Anyway, I don’t think if the national day was someday else, like the federation day or reconciliation day, Aussies would change how they celebrate because it is the way of life.
Regarding the images, I just took the photo from what I saw. Judgemental? So that what you see it as it is.