Drying Wings: click for previous image

Drying Wings

Info about ‘Drying Wings’

Darter (Anhinga melanogaster) is the big one I found on the trip to Bicentennial Park. Quotes from Simpsom & Day Field Guide to the Birds of Australia by Viking O'Neil: "Hold wings out 'to dry' when perched". Isn't it doing what they say?

Comments on ‘Drying Wings’

a good catch here, the techs are a bit off though, a tough shot, the water provides the glare that tricks the light meter..take a peek at a couple of friend’s & their images on a site called photoblink.com, he is one heck of a ‘bird shooter’, his comments and settings could bring some insight on shooting birds, especially near/about water



btezra 13 September 2004 1:14 AM

Commenting on ‘Drying Wings’

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