The Social Network: A New Media of a Penis Contest

Somehow, I think I should expand what I tweeted the other day:

Just watched the Social Network and feeling horny.

As a twisted gay man, I could not resist that basic instinct when those fraternity men waving around their penises and try to beat one to each other with their sizes.

It begins with a break-up of Mark and his girlfriend because he wants to get into a prestige club, which is famous for their big dicks. He holds a grudge and revenges her by verbally exposed her tits on the Internet and sneaked his dick into the secured zone in the university.

Chicks consequentially hate him but higher-rank dicks are impressed with his smart dick and invite him to work for them on their new project. He agrees but, instead, he uses his own dick on his own similar project and asks for a start-up fund from his best friend.

While the higher-rank dicks’ project is going nowhere, Mark’s becomes a hit. They are furious and want to show off their bigger dicks to him but one of them wants to keep the righteous dicks in the place.

Now, even though Mark’s dick and his best friend’s are much cooler and more attracted to chicks more than ever, when he runs into his ex-girlfriend, she shakes him off like a flea. He decides to enlarge his dick.

The expansion gets an attention of Mark’s idol, whom is famous for his battles with big corporation dicks. He eventually lost the war and got broke but claims that he was the one who knocked their dicks down and changed the world. Ironically, this dick is played by Justine Timberlake, who is actually works with those corporate dicks in real life.

The idol dick becomes Mark’s mentor, permanent houseguest when they move to California, capital fundraiser and, finally, their dick partner. While everything is happening into the place of Mark’s dick, his best friend is left behind in New York, feels very resentful about the whole idol thing and freezes the fund he should be managing in order to exhibit that he is also has got a dick. However, he goes with the big dick plan where the big money is, anyway.

Meanwhile, the higher-rank dicks get more and more bitter. When they find out Mark’s dick has crossed the territory over the Atlantic, they all agree to put pants down and enter the dick competition. The last shot we see them is the three men hugging each other with pride in a luxurious suite in the UK.

The final straw is when the 1-million-minion party of Mark’s dick. His best friend is called into find that he is forced to leave the dick he has given the start-up money. And that is how he has to get his dignity back to his dick.

And on the same evening, the idol also reveals his true colour of his sleazy dick when he is arrested in the party with drug and chicks which one of them happens to be an underage intern.

Mark loses his best friend and his mentor over the night that marks his dick conquers the world. In the end, after he is informed that all the dick contests will be settled, he sits down in a meeting room of his lawyer who always seems to be the biggest dick after all the disputes, looking at his ex-girlfriend’s profile in his dick empire… alone.

Have I told you there is a bunch dickheads in the movie?

Tony Black Dog Ride

Tony Black Dog Ride from ApostrophePong on Vimeo.

I officially met Tony Hollingsworth at the previous Sydney Social Innovation BarCamp after ran onto each other at Cupcake Camp Sydney in 2009. I shared my own experience of depression in a session on mental illness and later sent him a link to my film, Memory of You | Reflection of Me. When he announced that he was going to have a fundraising and awareness-raising event, Black Dog Ride, I certainly was interested to get involved but was not able to join the convoy. So I put my hands up to edit his footage in the trip from Sydney to in the centre of the continent in Alice Spring them around up to Queensland and back to Sydney in 16 days.

I put my hands up to edit Tony’s videos he had taken in the journey, to show it in his session at the latest Social Innovation Sydney. I got a bunch of his footage and photos and some of them were publish on his blog but had no idea what I was going to with them yet. My aim was to summarise his 16-day riding into a comprehensive video.

The rough approach I made to this work:

  • Sort the media there were taken from both a DSLR camera and a mobile phone Line them up chronologically. With the time frame, unfortunately, I had to exclude the photos in this video.
  • Select good shots on each clip to review it later. At this stage, an idea what I could with it started to form. It was decided to go with a music clip in a rough 16-mm, easy-rider-esque style.
  • Pick a music licensed in Creative Commons. That gave me a framework for the visual. Luckily, I found The Thunder That You Are by Comma the perfect fit for the work.
  • Cut down the 22 minutes of the first selection into 4.30 minutes of film roughly synced with the music and choose a snippet of Angry Anderson’s speech in Alice Spring as the hi-light. An extra rule was to keep all the footage in chronological order.
  • Roughly top and tail the video. Then the arduous tasks of exporting and compressing.

In Australia, suicide rate is higher than the death from road accident, ever more in the remote outback areas. Having the first hand of experience of depression and anxiety, I find that support is an essential part for a person with the illness to get through it and discover their own strength again. In men, it is even harder to admit it, let alone talk about it. Having bikers, who have their own stories about depression, riding across Australia to let the people know that they are not alone and it is ok to seek supports, which are available in many organisations in Australia, is not just blokes are having a fun time on the road. And I am glad to edit this video and enjoy the ride even I was not there.

Thanks to Tony Hollingsworth for letting me access to his videos, Stilgherrian for helping us transfer the chunk of data, Comma for releasing their wonderful music in Creative Commons and, most of all, all the people that made Black Dog Ride happened.

EXiST Temporarily Exits

Dear supporters,

Thank you for being such a good heart in supporting EXiST funding project. I have been doing some soul searching over the past weeks. What happened to me with the stress,, have made me decide to retreat myself from Sydney and spend sometime in Bangkok, at least for a while. Therefore, with sadness, I have cancelled the campaign on FundBreak.

At this stage, I put the project on hold to figure out the possibility to produce it either in Thailand or Australia. The passion in making the short film trilogy about depression, anxiety and stress is still there as it is the best I can do to reach out to the people who suffer from the illness.

Feel free to express your disappointment directly to me via email: or twitter: In the mean time, please take of yourself and your loved one.

With my deep appriciation.

That was my private message to all the supporters of EXiST project via Fundbreak. I have been inactive on this journal and reflective on my place in the world. Even though, my high blood pressure went back to normal after the heart palpitation incident and no medical treatment was acquired, it was like a false alarm became a wake-up call.

I wanted to tell a story about anxiety and pushed myself into this project. What happened was I has an anxiety attack when revising the script. The same thing happened when I was in the writing zone for Memory of You | Reflection of Me and overwhelmed by the depression experience.

It became a doubtful thought that filmmaking was part of my therapy then a realisation that what I needed was a break: a career break, a rest break and, most of all, a break from my own vicious cycle—feeling lost, isolation and worthlessness. Bangkok, my hometown would be the place for me to find it and being around old friends and family would certainly help.

For now, the project is on the shelf until an urge would explode again. Actually, I already have vivid dreams about reviving it twice. The deep sub-conscious will keep poking me to finish what I have started, I guess.